Find out the difference an enthusiastic virtual marketing assistant can make for your business ROI. Your new marketing assistant can be an invaluable resource, helping you with multiple marketing tasks, from media plan to running social media/email marketing and a lot more.

Today, no business can grow or sustain without marketing assistants.

Marketing Assistants can help you with:

  • Campaign creation, management and execution
  • Creating media plans, write ups, creative assistance
  • Research and Strategy
  • Monitoring, Measurement and Maintenance
  • Integration with cross-industry tools and platforms
  • Implementing automation or perform bulk marketing tasks 
  • Multichannel marketing: Organic, Paid, Earned, B2B, B2C
  • If you’re an agency, managing client accounts for you. 

Facebook Ads, PPC

A member of your marketing team can run any sort of ads, whether it is Google Ads, Facebook or Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter, or negotiate ad buying deals with others. 

SEO, Content Marketing, and Email Marketing

Every business owner deserves the best and requires a marketing assistant with all the abovementioned skills. Our shortlisted marketing assistants are trained in effectively delivering your omnichannel internet marketing OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) to drive up the ROI.


Instead of taking a chance, you can rest easy by hiring one person or a team with a track record of success. These virtual employees, dedicated only to you full time, they will manage your clients, campaigns according to the timeline and budgets.

Prospecting & Cold Outreach

These virtual marketing assistants do cold emailing, b2b lead generation, sign ups, appointments and more through the use of research, strategy, and immaculate execution.

Hire Experienced Marketing Assistants

  • Assisting in the development and distribution of marketing and promotional material
  • Staying informed of industry trends and compelling marketing campaigns
  • Liaising and strengthening relationships with suppliers and clients
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