• The New Remote Workforce: How Outsourcing HRs Can Lead Your Business into the Digital Age

    The New Remote Workforce: How Outsourcing HRs Can Lead Your Business into the Digital Age
    The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically changed the global workforce, with tens of millions of employees suddenly working from home. While the shift to remote work enabled many businesses to stay operational, it also created significant challenges for leadership and human resources teams. As we enter 2024 and a post-pandemic "new normal," business leaders recognize that remote and hybrid arrangements are here to stay. This...
  • Strategies for Scaling Remote Teams and Driving Business Growth

    Strategies for Scaling Remote Teams and Driving Business Growth
    Introduction The corporate landscape has undeniably transformed over the past two years when it comes to workplace flexibility. Pivoting from traditional on-site teams to fully remote operations became an overnight necessity for survival as the pandemic disrupted normalcy across every sector. What started as a hasty band-aid solution has demonstrated real staying power though. Distributed work is here to stay as organizations recognize...
  • The Rise of Generative AI and Its Impact on the BPO Industry

    The Rise of Generative AI and Its Impact on the BPO Industry
    The business process outsourcing (BPO) industry has been a major part of the globalization story over the last few decades. Companies in developed countries like the United States have increasingly outsourced various business processes like AI in BPO industry service, technical support, and back-office functions to overseas locations to take advantage of lower labor costs. Major BPO destinations include India, the Philippines, Mexico,...
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